Sports Membership for a child struggling with poor mental health

£25.00 per month

Your donation can improve the lives of children like Harry.

Harry has had a very rough start in life, he has experienced more in his young life than can ever be imagined, including witnessing the murder of his father.

Harry has mental health challenges, his care worker also told us that he “feels lonely” and would love to be able to continue to take part in group swimming sessions at his local pool but the family can’t afford them.

With your support the Link Foundation can fund a year of swimming for children like Harry, giving him an outlet to have fun and socialise with friends.

Thank you for supporting the Link Foundation and changing young lives for the better.

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Our supporters

Carol Edwards

Best of luck for the Boundary Walk

Jenny Searle

£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
“What a lovely addition the story book is to this campaign. Keep up the Great Work. From All at Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd"

The Connall Family

£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"What a brilliant local charity, thank you for all that you do"

Mike Backner

“Keep up the Great Work. From All at Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd”